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IDA Pro反编译器SDK

发布时间:2022-10-11 17: 28: 46

Below is the full source code of a sample plugin. It performs a quite useful transformation of the pseudocode: replaces zeroes in pointer contexts with NULLs. A NULL immediately conveys the idea that the current expression is pointer-related. This is especially useful for unknown function arguments.


The plugin is fully automatic. It hooks to the decompiler events and waits for the pseudocode to be ready. At that moment it takes control and modifies the ctree.


The conversion is performed by the convert_zeroes() function. It visits all expressions of the ctree and checks for pointer contexts. If a expression has a pointer type, then the make_null_if_zero() function is called for it. This function checks if the expression is a zero constant and converts it if necessary.


The plugin can be turned on or off by its menu item in the Plugins submenu.


The code is short and straightforward. Use it as a template for your plugins.



*      Hex-Rays Decompiler project
*      Copyright (c) 2007-2019 by Hex-Rays,
*      Sample plugin for Hex-Rays Decompiler.
*      It automatically replaces zeroes in pointer contexts with NULLs.
*      For example, expression like
*              funcptr = 0;
*      will be displayed as
*              funcptr = NULL;
*      Due to highly dynamic nature of the decompier output, we must
*      use the decompiler events to accomplish the task. The plugin will
*      wait for the ctree structure to be ready in the memory and will
*      replace zeroes in pointer contexts with NULLs.


// Hex-Rays API pointer
hexdsp_t *hexdsp = NULL;

static bool inited = false;

static const char nodename[] = “$ hexrays NULLs”;
static const char null_type[] = “MACRO_NULL”;
// Is the plugin enabled?
// The user can disable it. The plugin will save the on/off switch in the
// current database.
static bool is_enabled(void)
 netnode n(nodename); // use a netnode to save the state
 return n.altval(0) == 0; // if the long value is positive, then disabled

// If the expression is zero, convert it to NULL
static void make_null_if_zero(cexpr_t *e)
 if ( e->is_zero_const() && !e->type.is_ptr() )
 { // this is plain zero, convert it
   number_format_t &nf = e->n->nf;
   nf.flags = enum_flag();
   nf.serial = 0;
   nf.type_name = null_type;
   e->type = tinfo_t::get_stock(STI_PVOID);

// Convert zeroes of the ctree to NULLs
static void convert_zeroes(cfunc_t *cfunc)
 // To represent NULLs, we will use the MACRO_NULL enumeration
 // Normally it is present in the loaded tils but let’s verify it
 if ( !get_named_type(NULL, null_type, NTF_TYPE) )
   msg(“%s type is missing, cannot convert zeroes to NULLs\n”, null_type);

 // We derive a helper class from ctree_visitor_t
 // The ctree_visitor_t is a base class to derive
 // ctree walker classes.
 // You have to redefine some virtual functions
 // to do the real job. Here we redefine visit_expr() since we want
 // to examine and modify expressions.
 struct ida_local zero_converter_t : public ctree_visitor_t
   zero_converter_t(void) : ctree_visitor_t(CV_FAST) {}
   int idaapi visit_expr(cexpr_t *e)
     // verify if the current expression has pointer expressions
     // we handle the following patterns:
     //  A. ptr = 0;
     //  B. func(0); where argument is a pointer
     //  C. ptr op 0 where op is a comparison
     switch ( e->op )
       case cot_asg:   // A
         if ( e->x->type.is_ptr() )

       case cot_call:  // B
           carglist_t &args = *e->a;
           for ( int i=0; i < args.size(); i++ ) // check all arguments
             carg_t &a = args[i];
             if ( a.formal_type.is_ptr_or_array() )

       case cot_eq:    // C
       case cot_ne:
       case cot_sge:
       case cot_uge:
       case cot_sle:
       case cot_ule:
       case cot_sgt:
       case cot_ugt:
       case cot_slt:
       case cot_ult:
         // check both sides for zeroes
         if ( e->y->type.is_ptr() )
         if ( e->x->type.is_ptr() )


     return 0; // continue walking the tree
 zero_converter_t zc;
 // walk the whole function body
 zc.apply_to(&cfunc->body, NULL);

// This callback will detect when the ctree is ready to be displayed
// and call convert_zeroes() to create NULLs
static ssize_t idaapi callback(void *, hexrays_event_t event, va_list va)
 if ( event == hxe_maturity )
   cfunc_t *cfunc = va_arg(va, cfunc_t*);
   ctree_maturity_t mat = va_argi(va, ctree_maturity_t);
   if ( mat == CMAT_FINAL ) // ctree is ready, time to convert zeroes to NULLs
 return 0;

// Initialize the plugin.
int idaapi init(void)
 if ( !init_hexrays_plugin() )
   return PLUGIN_SKIP; // no decompiler
 if ( is_enabled() ) // null plugin is enabled?
   install_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);
   const char *hxver = get_hexrays_version();
   msg(“Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n”, hxver, PLUGIN.wanted_name);
 inited = true;
 return PLUGIN_KEEP;

void idaapi term(void)
 if ( inited )
   // clean up
   remove_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);

bool idaapi run(size_t)
 // since all real work is done in the callbacks, use the main plugin entry
 // to turn it on and off.
 // display a message explaining the purpose of the plugin:
 int code = askbuttons(
      “Sample plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler.\n”
      “This plugin is fully automatic.\n”
      “It detects zeroes in pointer contexts and converts them into NULLs.\n”
      “The current state of the plugin is: %s\n”,
      is_enabled() ? “ENABLED” : “DISABLED”);
 switch ( code )
   case –1:    // close
   case 0:     // disable
   case 1:     // enable
     netnode n;
     n.altset(0, code == 0);
     if ( code )
       install_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);
       remove_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);
     info(“The %s plugin has been %s.”, PLUGIN.wanted_name, code ? “ENABLED” : “DISABLED”);
 return true;

static char comment[] = “Sample2 plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler”;

plugin_t PLUGIN =
 0,                    // plugin flags
 init,                 // initialize
 term,                 // terminate. this pointer may be NULL.
 run,                  // invoke plugin
 comment,              // long comment about the plugin
                       // it could appear in the status line
                       // or as a hint
 “”,                   // multiline help about the plugin
 “Hex-Rays NULL converter”, // the preferred short name of the plugin
 “”                    // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin













* Hex-Rays Decompiler project

* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 by Hex-Rays,



* Sample plugin for Hex-Rays Decompiler.

* It automatically replaces zeroes in pointer contexts with NULLs.

* For example, expression like


* funcptr = 0;


* will be displayed as


* funcptr = NULL;


* Due to highly dynamic nature of the decompier output, we must

* use the decompiler events to accomplish the task. The plugin will

* wait for the ctree structure to be ready in the memory and will

* replace zeroes in pointer contexts with NULLs.






// Hex-Rays API pointer

hexdsp_t *hexdsp = NULL;


static bool inited = false;


static const char nodename[] = “$ hexrays NULLs”;

static const char null_type[] = “MACRO_NULL”;


// Is the plugin enabled?

// The user can disable it. The plugin will save the on/off switch in the

// current database.

static bool is_enabled(void)


netnode n(nodename); // use a netnode to save the state

return n.altval(0) == 0; // if the long value is positive, then disabled




// If the expression is zero, convert it to NULL

static void make_null_if_zero(cexpr_t *e)


if ( e->is_zero_const() && !e->type.is_ptr() )

{ // this is plain zero, convert it

number_format_t &nf = e->n->nf;

nf.flags = enum_flag();

nf.serial = 0;

nf.type_name = null_type;

e->type = tinfo_t::get_stock(STI_PVOID);





// Convert zeroes of the ctree to NULLs

static void convert_zeroes(cfunc_t *cfunc)


// To represent NULLs, we will use the MACRO_NULL enumeration

// Normally it is present in the loaded tils but let’s verify it

if ( !get_named_type(NULL, null_type, NTF_TYPE) )


msg(“%s type is missing, cannot convert zeroes to NULLs\n”, null_type);




// We derive a helper class from ctree_visitor_t

// The ctree_visitor_t is a base class to derive

// ctree walker classes.

// You have to redefine some virtual functions

// to do the real job. Here we redefine visit_expr() since we want

// to examine and modify expressions.

struct ida_local zero_converter_t : public ctree_visitor_t


zero_converter_t(void) : ctree_visitor_t(CV_FAST) {}

int idaapi visit_expr(cexpr_t *e)


// verify if the current expression has pointer expressions

// we handle the following patterns:

// A. ptr = 0;

// B. func(0); where argument is a pointer

// C. ptr op 0 where op is a comparison

switch ( e->op )


case cot_asg: // A

if ( e->x->type.is_ptr() )




case cot_call: // B


carglist_t &args = *e->a;

for ( int i=0; i < args.size(); i++ ) // check all arguments


carg_t &a = args[i];

if ( a.formal_type.is_ptr_or_array() )






case cot_eq: // C

case cot_ne:

case cot_sge:

case cot_uge:

case cot_sle:

case cot_ule:

case cot_sgt:

case cot_ugt:

case cot_slt:

case cot_ult:

// check both sides for zeroes

if ( e->y->type.is_ptr() )


if ( e->x->type.is_ptr() )








return 0; // continue walking the tree



zero_converter_t zc;

// walk the whole function body

zc.apply_to(&cfunc->body, NULL);




// This callback will detect when the ctree is ready to be displayed

// and call convert_zeroes() to create NULLs

static ssize_t idaapi callback(void *, hexrays_event_t event, va_list va)


if ( event == hxe_maturity )


cfunc_t *cfunc = va_arg(va, cfunc_t*);

ctree_maturity_t mat = va_argi(va, ctree_maturity_t);

if ( mat == CMAT_FINAL ) // ctree is ready, time to convert zeroes to NULLs



return 0;




// Initialize the plugin.

int idaapi init(void)


if ( !init_hexrays_plugin() )

return PLUGIN_SKIP; // no decompiler

if ( is_enabled() ) // null plugin is enabled?


install_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);

const char *hxver = get_hexrays_version();

msg(“Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use\n”, hxver, PLUGIN.wanted_name);


inited = true;





void idaapi term(void)


if ( inited )


// clean up

remove_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);






bool idaapi run(size_t)


// since all real work is done in the callbacks, use the main plugin entry

// to turn it on and off.

// display a message explaining the purpose of the plugin:

int code = askbuttons(






“Sample plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler.\n”


“This plugin is fully automatic.\n”

“It detects zeroes in pointer contexts and converts them into NULLs.\n”


“The current state of the plugin is: %s\n”,

is_enabled() ? “ENABLED” : “DISABLED”);

switch ( code )


case –1: // close


case 0: // disable

case 1: // enable

netnode n;


n.altset(0, code == 0);

if ( code )

install_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);


remove_hexrays_callback(callback, NULL);

info(“The %s plugin has been %s.”, PLUGIN.wanted_name, code ? “ENABLED” : “DISABLED”);



return true;




static char comment[] = “Sample2 plugin for Hex-Rays decompiler”;







plugin_t PLUGIN =



0, // plugin flags

init, // initialize

term, // terminate. this pointer may be NULL.

run, // invoke plugin

comment, // long comment about the plugin

// it could appear in the status line

// or as a hint

“”, // multiline help about the plugin

“Hex-Rays NULL converter”, // the preferred short name of the plugin

“” // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin




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IDA Pro是一款功能强大的反汇编和反编译工具,广泛应用于逆向工程和软件开发领域。在使用IDA Pro时,如果我们不习惯英文界面,可以将其改为中文界面。本文将介绍IDA Pro怎么改为中文界面。IDA Pro界面改成中文主要有两种方法,下面是详细介绍。
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