IDA Pro > IDA Pro教程 > 技术问题 > IDA Pro环境变量(Environment variables)

IDA Pro环境变量(Environment variables)

发布时间:2022-10-14 17: 13: 24

  The following environment variables are used by IDA:

 TMP or TEMP Specifies the directory where the temporary files will

 be created.


 EDITOR The name of the preferred text editor.

 IDALOG Specifies the name of the log file.Everything appearing

 in the message window will be dumped there.


 IDALOG_SILENT Suppress all output to the message window.

 If the IDALOG variable is set,messages will continue to

 be written to the log file.Otherwise,they will be lost.

 IDADIR Specifies the IDA directory.

 Default:the directory where IDA executable is located

 IDA_LOADALL The selected loader will load all segments without asking

 IDAUSR Specifies the directory for user-specific settings.

 Default:Windows:%APPDATA%/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro


 Mac OS X:$HOME/.idapro

 This variable can contain multiple paths,in which case they must

 be separated by the platform's path separator character(i.e.,';'

 on Windows,and':'on Linux&Mac OS X.)

 NOTE:Using%IDAUSR%for loading plugins.

 %IDAUSR%will be considered when scanning for plugins:for

 each directory component of%IDAUSR%,IDA will iterate on

 files in its"plugins"subdirectory,in alphabetical order.

 Plugins with the same case-insensitive file name(without

 extension)are considered to be duplicates and are ignored;

 only the first plugin with a given name will be considered.

 Thus,let's say%IDAUSR%is set to"C:\my_idausr",and a file


 "C:\my_idausr\plugins\"will be picked up first while

 "%IDADIR%\plugins\dwarf.dll"will be considered conflicting,

 and thus ignored.

 In addition,in each directory,IDA first looks for plugins

 with the native extension(e.g.,".dll"on Windows)and only

 then looks for files with extensions corresponding to

 extension languages(e.g.,".idc",".py",...)

 Consequently if two files,say"foo.dll"and"",are

 present in the same directory,"foo.dll"will be picked first,

 and""will be considered conflicting,and thus ignored.

 NOTE:Using%IDAUSR%for overriding configuration.

 %IDAUSR%will be considered when looking for configuration

 files,after the config file found in%IDADIR%\cfg has been


 After%IDADIR%\cfg\has been read&applied,for

 each directory component of%IDAUSR%,IDA will look for

 cfg/in it,and,if found,read&apply its

 contents as well.

 This enables users to have their own small,fine-tuned

 configuration files containing just the bits they wanted to

 override,stored in one(or more)folder(s)of their choosing.

 NOTE:Using%IDAUSR%for specifying themes

 %IDAUSR%will be considered when scanning for themes:for

 each directory component of%IDAUSR%,IDA will iterate on

 subdirectories in its"themes"subdirectory.

 NOTE:Using%IDAUSR%for providing additional loaders,processor

 modules,.til files,.sig and.ids files

 %IDAUSR%will also be considered when building the list of

 existing loaders,processor modules,.til,.sig and.ids files.

 The following directories will be inspected:






 IDA_MINIDUMP(Windows only)If IDA crashes,it creates a minidump file with

 the MiniDumpWrite().Use this environment variable to specify

 MiniDump flags(a combination of MINIDUMP_TYPE flags as a

 hexadecimal number).

 If set to"NO",IDA will not write a dump.

 IDA_MDMP_INIT(Windows only)Let IDA load dbghlp.dll on startup so it is

 used for crash dump file generation in case of a crash.If

 not set,IDA will load dbghlp.dll dynamically(if needed).

 Using this option may cause the Windbg debugger plugin to

 malfunction in case its dbghlp.dll does not match the one

 loaded by IDA.

 IDA_NOEH If set,disable IDA's own exception handler and let all

 possible crashes to be handled by the OS or active debugger.

 It is useful if you're debugging a crash in a plugin or

 processor module.

 IDAIDS Specifies the directory with the IDS files.


 IDASGN Specifies the directory with the SIG files.


 IDATIL Specifies the directory with the TIL files.


 IDAIDC Specifies the directory with the IDC files.


 IDA_LIBC_PATH Useful only on Android remote host.Specifies the exact

 path to the system

 IDA_SKIP_SYMS Useful only on Linux host.Turns off loading of

 exported symbols for the main executable file at the start

 of a debugging session

 IDA_NONAMES Disables the name resolution

 IDA_NO_HISTORY Disables updating file history

 IDA_NORELOC Disables processing of the relocation information

 for some file formats

 IDA_NOEXP Disables processing of the export information

 for some file formats

 IDA_NOTLS Disables processing of the TLS entries for some file formats

 H8_NOSIZER Disables the display of the operand sizes for H8 module

 IDA_LOADALL Load all segments of the input file without futher


 IDA_DEBUGBREAKPROCESS(Windows only)IDA debugger will use the

 DebugBreakProcess()API to break into the process.Otherwise

 it will instead attempt to set temporary breakpoints for

 all threads.

 IDA_NO_REBASE IDA Debugger will not rebase the program when debugging.

 (This will be in effect even if the debugger plugin implements

 the rebase_if_required_to callback)

 IDABXPATHMAP Variables related to the Bochs debugger.

 IDABXENVMAP See plugins/bochs/startup.*for more details.

 IDA_NOWIN(Text MS Windows version only)

 Bypass the code trying to find out the foreground window.

 This code causes problems under WINE.


 (text version only)

 Tells IDA to keep only one screen even during local

 debugging sessions.For local debugging sessions,

 IDA keeps by default one screen for the

 debugged application and one screen for itself.

 IDA_NOAUTOCOMP Do not autodetect compiler for name demangling.

 If this variable is absent and the current compiler

 is one of MS,Borland and Watcom,the compiler

 is autodetected.

 IDA_ELF_PATCH_MODE Overrides patch mode for the new ELF files.

 If this variable is defined,it must contain a number.

 Each bit of this number corresponds to an option from the

 following list:

 0:Replace PIC form of'Procedure Linkage Table'to non PIC form

 1:Direct jumping from PLT(without GOT)regardless of its form

 2:Convert PIC form of loading'_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[]'of address

 3:Obliterate auxiliary bytes in PLT&GOT for'final autoanalysis'

 4:Natural form of PIC GOT address loading in relocatable file

 5:Unpatched form of PIC GOT references in relocatable file

 6:Mark'allocated'objects as library-objects(MIPS only)

 IDA_DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_SLIDE Mach-O loader:specify the dyld shared

 cache image ASLR slide value(hexadecimal)or

 'search'for automatic detection.

 If not set,slide is assumed to be 0(unslid image).

 The following variables are used to fine-tune the Linux version of IDA:

 TVLOG the name of the log-file

 if it is not defined,use syslog with LOG_WARNING priority

 TERM the terminal definition(see terminfo)

 TVHEADLESS disable all output(for i/o redirection)

 if this variable defined,the TVOPT variable is ignored

 This environment variable also works also in graphical versions of

 IDA.When set,the graphical interface will not restore desktops,

 toolbars or show the main window.

 TVOPT the enduser flags.Has many subfields delimited by commas','.

 noX11-when is not compatible

 noGPM-when is not compatible



 mono-when the terminfo data of your display does not declare

 it as having the ANSI-color support

 ign8-ignore'8bit as meta key'in the terminfo description

 xtrack-if your xterm-emulator in telnet client does not support

 mode 1002(only 1000),set this flag

 alt866-do not encode pseudographic symbols(for the console with

 alt-font loaded)

 cyrcvt=-cyrilic conversion(oem/koi8r).

 possible values are:

 linux-for linux russian users and PuTTY(in/out koi8r)

 kwin-output in koi8 and input in cp1251-any telnet

 windows-for many telnet and any linux users(in/out 1251)

 Client name|Terminal|TVOPT|Client settings




 |||Emulation->keyboard:either the

 |||built-in keyboard,either custom




 SecureCRT|xterm|xtrack|Emulation->Terminal:xterm+internal kbd












 We recommend to use the'xterm-scokey'terminal type for remote clients.

 When the terminal type is xterm-scokey,add the following string

 to/etc/inputrc(or to~/.inputrc):

 "\e[.":delete char

 When working on the console without GPM installed,append"noGPM"to TVOPT.

 Russian users should append the following settings to the above:







 Putty|cyrcvt=linux|Window,Translation:use font in

 ||both ANSI and OEM modes



 with koi8font||

 and kbd-hook|cyrcvt=linux|

 with koi8font|cyrcvt=kwin|

 with ANSI-font|cyrcvt=windows|


 The best settings for russian users on the console are:

 setfont alt-8x16.psf.gz-m koi2al


 export TVOPT=cyrcvt=linux,alt866














 默认值:Windows:%APPDATA%/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro


 Mac OS X:$HOME/.idapro

 该变量可以包含多个路径,此时它们必须由平台的路径分隔符(即Windows上的';',Linux和Mac OS X上的':')分隔。









































 IDA_NOWIN(仅限文本MS Windows版本)











 4:可重定位文件中PIC GOT地址加载的自然形式

 5:可重定位文件中未修补的PIC GOT引用形式


 IDA_DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_SLIDE Mach-O加载器:指定dyld共享缓存镜像ASLR滑动值(十六进制)或“search”进行自动检测。如果未设置,则假定滑动为0(未滑动镜像)。















 linux-用于Linux俄语用户和PuTTY(in/out koi8r)


 windows-适用于许多telnet和任何Linux用户(in/out 1251)







 setfont alt-8x16.psf.gz-m koi2al


 export TVOPT=cyrcvt=linux,alt866



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IDA Pro是一款功能强大的反汇编和反编译工具,广泛应用于逆向工程和软件开发领域。在使用IDA Pro时,如果我们不习惯英文界面,可以将其改为中文界面。本文将介绍IDA Pro怎么改为中文界面。IDA Pro界面改成中文主要有两种方法,下面是详细介绍。
ida如何转伪代码 ida伪代码怎么看
IDA Pro是一款常用的反汇编和反编译工具,可以帮助我们分析二进制文件的实现细节和执行过程,以便更好地理解程序的执行过程和逻辑。在进行逆向工程的过程中,我们经常需要将反汇编结果转换为伪代码,以便更好地进行分析和修改。本文将介绍如何使用IDA Pro转换为伪代码,并简单讲解ida伪代码怎么看。
ida怎么查找字符串 ida字符串窗口快捷键
在数字化时代,逆向工程作为解密软件和分析程序的关键技术,正日益受到广泛关注。在逆向分析的过程中,IDA(Interactive DisAssembler)是一款备受推崇的工具,它为逆向工程师们提供了强大的功能和灵活的操作。本文将带您深入探讨如何在IDA中查找字符串,优化字符串窗口的使用,并探讨IDA如何将变量转换成字符串,帮助您更加熟练地驾驭这一工具,为逆向分析的世界增添一抹精彩。
怎么用IDA软件反汇编功能学习汇编指令 IDA反汇编功能如何进行多平台二进制分析
说到反汇编分析,很多人第一时间就会想到IDA。这款工具可以说是做逆向工程的“神器”,不管是学习汇编指令还是分析二进制文件,都非常给力。如果你是个初学者,刚接触反汇编,可能会对IDA的一些功能感到陌生,比如怎么用IDA软件反汇编功能学习汇编指令 IDA反汇编功能如何进行多平台二进制分析。别急,今天就带你一步步搞清楚。
怎么用IDA软件反汇编功能来理解汇编指令 IDA反汇编如何分析软件的异常处理机制
IDA反编译功能在软件安全审计中有何作用 怎么用IDA反编译功能分析程序的优化级别
在做软件安全审计的时候,程序的安全性和性能优化一直都是大难题。而说到分析程序的二进制代码,IDA反编译工具简直就是安全审计师的“瑞士军刀”。通过反编译,IDA能把难懂的机器码翻译成汇编语言,找出漏洞和优化空间。所以,今天我们就来聊聊“IDA反编译功能在软件安全审计中有何作用 怎么用IDA反编译功能分析程序的优化级别”,一起看看IDA到底有多强大。
IDA反汇编如何进行二进制补丁分析 IDA反汇编后如何对程序进行静态分析
在软件安全和逆向工程领域,IDA Pro是一款非常受欢迎的工具。它能帮助我们深入分析二进制文件,今天,我们就来聊聊“IDA反汇编如何进行二进制补丁分析 IDA反汇编后如何对程序进行静态分析”这两个话题。希望通过这篇文章,能够让大家更好地运用IDA来进行相关分析。
IDA软件反编译功能如何研究软件的动态链接库 IDA怎么反编译提取软件程序的调用关系图
在软件开发和安全领域,IDA软件真的是个非常强大的反编译工具。了解它的各种功能,尤其是在研究软件的动态链接库(DLL)时,绝对能让你的工作事半功倍。今天,我们就来聊聊“IDA软件反编译功能如何研究软件的动态链接库 IDA怎么反编译提取软件程序的调用关系图”这个话题,让你对IDA有更深入的认识。
idapro怎么添加新常量 idapro的识别率怎么看
如果你是搞逆向分析的,那么IDA Pro你一定用过或者听说过。这款工具可真是个“神器”,但是用起来也有点“烧脑”,尤其是遇到一些小问题的时候,比如说“怎么添加新常量”,或者“识别率到底怎么看”。别担心,今天咱们就来好好聊聊这些问题,看看“idapro怎么添加新常量 idapro的识别率怎么看”这个话题,希望能让你在用IDA Pro的时候少踩坑,多顺利!

