IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2023-04-21 14: 04: 24
Action name:SetType
This command allows you to specify the type of the current item.
If the cursor is located on a name,the type of the named item will be edited.Otherwise,the current function type(if there is a function)or the current item type(if it has a name)will be edited.
The function type must be entered as a C declaration.Hidden arguments(like'this'pointer in C++)should be specified explicitly.IDA will use the type information to comment the disassembly with the information about function arguments.It can also be used by the Hex-Rays decompiler plugin for better decompilation.
Here is an example of a function declaration:
int main(int argc,const char*argv[]);
To delete a type declaration,please enter an empty string.
IDA supports the user-defined calling convention.In this calling convention,the user can explicitly specify the locations of arguments and the return value.For example:
int __usercall func
denotes a function with 2 arguments:the first argument is passed on the stack(IDA automatically calculates its offset)and the second argument is passed in the ESI register and the return value is stored in the EBX register.Stack locations can be specified explicitly:
int __usercall runtime_memhash <^12.4>(void*p <^0.4>,int q <^4.4>,int r <^8.4>)
There is a restriction for a __usercall function type:all stack locations should be specified explicitly or all are automatically calculated by IDA.General rules for the user defined prototypes are:
-the return value must be in a register.
Exception:stack locations are accepted for the __golang and __usercall calling conventions.
-if the return type is'void',the return location must not be specified
-if the argument location is not specified,it is assumed to be
on the stack;consequent stack locations are allocated for such arguments
-it is allowed to declare nested declarations,for example:
int**__usercall func16
Here the pointer"x"is passed in the ESI register;
The pointed function is a usercall function and expects its second
argument in the ECX register,its return value is in the EBX register.
The rule of thumb to apply in such complex cases is to specify the
the registers just before the opening brace for the parameter list.
-registers used for the location names must be valid for the current
processor;some registers are unsupported(if the register name is
generated on the fly,it is unsupported;inform us about such cases;
we might improve the processor module if it is easy)
-register pairs can be specified with a colon like
-for really complicated cases this syntax can be used.
IDA also understands the"__userpurge"calling convention.It is the same thing as __usercall,the only difference is that the callee cleans the stack.
The name used in the declaration is ignored by IDA.
If the default calling convention is __golang then explicit specification of stack offsets is permitted.For example:
int __usercall myfunc<^8>(__int64 arg<^0>);
Function declarations may have the __spoils keyword.It is used to specify the list of registers spoiled by the function.The syntax is the following:
int __spoils
If the __spoils keyword is present,the specified list overrides the standard spoiled list.For x86,the standard spoiled list is
IDA also understands some attributes in declarations.For example:
int myprnt(int id,const char*format,...);
This declaration means that myprnt is a print-like function;the format string is the second argument and the variadic argument list starts at the third argument.
Below is the full list of attributes that can be handled by IDA.Please look up the details in the corresponding compiler help pages.
packed pack structure/union fields tightly,without gaps
aligned specify the alignment
noreturn declare as not returning function
ms_struct use microsoft layout for the structure/union
format possible formats:printf,scanf,strftime,strfmon
The following additional keywords can be used in type declarations:
_BOOL1 a boolean type with explicit size specification(1 byte)
_BOOL2 a boolean type with explicit size specification(2 bytes)
_BOOL4 a boolean type with explicit size specification(4 bytes)
__int8 a integer with explicit size specification(1 byte)
__int16 a integer with explicit size specification(2 bytes)
__int32 a integer with explicit size specification(4 bytes)
__int64 a integer with explicit size specification(8 bytes)
__int128 a integer with explicit size specification(16 bytes)
_BYTE an unknown type;the only known info is its size:1 byte
_WORD an unknown type;the only known info is its size:2 bytes
_DWORD an unknown type;the only known info is its size:4 bytes
_QWORD an unknown type;the only known info is its size:8 bytes
_OWORD an unknown type;the only known info is its size:16 bytes
_TBYTE 10-byte floating point value
_UNKNOWN no info is available
__pure pure function:always returns the same value and does not
modify memory in a visible way
__noreturn function does not return
__usercall user-defined calling convention;see above
__userpurge user-defined calling convention;see above
__spoils explicit spoiled-reg specification;see above
__hidden hidden function argument;this argument was hidden in the
source code(e.g.'this'argument in c++methods is hidden)
__return_ptr pointer to return value;implies hidden
__struct_ptr was initially a structure value
__array_ptr was initially an array
__unused unused function argument
__cppobj a c++style struct;the struct layout depends on this keyword
__ptr32 explicit pointer size specification(32 bits)
__ptr64 explicit pointer size specification(64 bits)
__shifted shifted pointer declaration
__high high level prototype(does not explicitly specify
hidden arguments like'this',for example)
this keyword may not be specified by the user but
IDA may use it to describe high level prototypes
应显式指定隐藏参数(如C++中的“this”指针)。IDA将使用类型信息用函数参数的信息来注释反汇编。Hex Rays反编译器插件也可以使用它来进行更好的反编译。
下面是函数声明的示例:int main(int argc,const char*argv[]);
IDA支持用户定义的调用约定。在这个调用约定中,用户可以显式指定参数的位置和返回值。例如:int __usercall func
表示一个有两个参数的函数:第一个参数在堆栈上传递(IDA自动计算其偏移量),第二个参数在ESI寄存器中传递,返回值存储在EBX寄存器中。可以显式指定堆栈位置:int __usercall runtime_memhash <^12.4>(void*p <^0.4>,int q <^4.4>,int r <^8.4>)_
-允许声明嵌套声明,例如:int**__usercall func16
允许显式指定堆栈偏移量。例如:int __usercall myfunc<^8>(__int64 arg<^0>);
函数声明可能包含__proports关键字。它用于指定被函数破坏的寄存器列表。语法如下:int __prets<eax,bh>func(int x);
IDA也理解声明中的一些属性。例如:__attribute__((format(printf,2,3)))int myprnt(int id,const char*format,…);
(2字节具有显式大小规范(2个字节)__int32具有显式尺寸规范(4个字节)的整数__int64具有显式长度规范(8个字节)__ int128具有显式宽度规范(16个字节)_BYTE为未知类型;唯一已知的信息是其大小:1字节_WORD是未知类型;唯一已知的信息是它的大小:2字节_DWORD是未知类型;唯一已知的信息是它的大小:4字节_QWORD是未知类型;唯一已知的信息是它的大小:8字节
_OWORD是未知类型;唯一已知的信息是它的大小:16字节_TBYTE 10字节浮点值_UNKNOWN没有可用的信息__pure纯函数:总是返回相同的值,并且不以
__ptr32显式指针大小规范(32位)__ptr64显式指针尺寸规范(64位)__shifted shifted pointer declaration
__high high level prototype(
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